The Blob Average Limitations of a Species
This brings about another issue for discussion. If you
randomly took an infinite amount of samples and plotted them on a graph, you
would get a defined blob, similar to a football, of the range of a species size.
For example I will take height and weight of
people. On recorded history, 8’11” is the tallest person at near 440 pounds
(Labeled A on graph). The heaviest person in recorded history was about 1400
pounds at 6’1” (Labeled B on graph). Everyone else is in-between. I made a
quick sketch:
To get a better idea, I am near Letter C on the map. Letter
D is yo momma. I placed some points just for show, but if we infinitely took measurements,
points would color in the chart, yet would be limited to the blob area.
For the current people, that blob gives limitations to our
height and weight. Now I am not exact. To have a 1 foot tall person weight 300
pounds isn’t possible, but I am not too way off let’s say by 1000 pounds or 20
feet tall.
I expanded the graph to include the average African bush
elephant, the bigger of the varieties, with letter E (for elephant), at 11 feet,
13,000 pounds. The current human species can’t reach that weight or height,
elephants have a different blob limitation range. I call it blob because the
graph is colored in like a blob. I call it limitation because the blob has its
limits for species, limits in the combinations of variation we can obtain. You won’t
find an 11 foot person, nor a person at 13,000 pounds no matter how hard you
look or how much you eat. It is a limitation of the species.
This concept can be applied to other species and many
characteristics. Age, offspring, size, color, etc. measurements.
I decided to explain this because I was taking measurements
of seed pods. The more and more points I placed, the more filled in the graph,
forming or coloring in the blob. I could then begin to see the limitations of
the plant in producing a fruiting structure with seeds.
The Blob concept has some assumptions. Although
my blob is pictured, humans are probably capable of being a little tallest or
fatter if we tried harder, but it wouldn’t be by much. This is for the current
normal humans. Genetically or aliens or superpowers could shift the blob into
different directions changing its shape. Evolution could do it. Some species
have their limitation, then are cross bred creating a hybrid that surpasses
previous limitations. So for our discussion, a normal population must be
examined, we couldn’t measure the height and weight of people (humans) living
on Planet Plutart-86 who are on average 2 inches tall with a density mass of
70,000 tons; adding such to our chart is prohibited because we are looking for
our normal limitations. If we set limitations to mammals on the planet, then
both height and weight could expand from what our current limitations for
people are.
Thank you for viewing. Comment if you would like. Have a Great day!