Friday, June 25, 2021

Seed Saturday 2: Leucanthemum vulgare

I am highlighting the seeds of a plant species on Saturdays that I am calling Seed Saturday!

This Saturday's feature is Leucanthemum vulgare, Ox-Eye Daisy.

Seed Information: The seeds form in the head of the flower similar to a small sunflower, it being in the Asteraceae (Compositaceae) family. Family Asteraceae.

Seed Description: The seeds look similar to small sunflower seeds, yet has more angles. The seeds are dark to black with a whitish-yellow outline at each side of its angle edges. Where the seed attached to the flower is a little nub.

Seeds were viewed using a dissecting microscope with magnification of 10x and 40x. Ruler marks are in millimeters (mm, metric system).

Leucanthemum vulgare seed 40x magnification.

Leucanthemum vulgare seed 10x magnification.

Leucanthemum vulgare seed card.

Thanks for viewing. Have a nice day! Comment if you would like. 

Friday, June 18, 2021

Seed Saturday 1: Portulaca amilis

I am highlighting the seeds of a plant species on Saturdays that I am calling Seed Saturday!

This Saturday's feature is Portulaca amilis, Moss Rose, Paraguayan Purslane. Family Portulacaceae.

Seed Information: Seeds mature in Summer, hot heat, sandy places. The plant makes a capsule, almost like a pill, that you can break into two halves. The most seeds I've counted in one of these capsules is 196. That is a lot of seeds for one fruit.

Seed Description: The seeds are usually dark, black, yet can be brown to red brown. The seed looks curled similar to a snail shell. The seed coat looks like they have little nobs on them.

Seeds were viewed using a dissecting microscope with magnification of 10x and 40x. Ruler marks are in millimeters (mm, metric system).

Portulaca amilis seed 40x magnification.

Portulaca amilis seed 10x magnification.

Portulaca amilis seed card.

Thanks for viewing. Have a nice day! Comment if you would like.