Sunday, February 18, 2018

2017 New England Carnivorous Plant Society Carnivorous Plant Show

The New England Carnivorous Plant Society Carnivorous Plant Show is spectacular! When it moved to Tower Hill, I think it really took off! I went to the ICPS Conference in 2016 and saw a lot of neat plants. But facts are facts, the plants displayed at the ICPS 2016 did not come close to the plants that are displayed at the NECPS shows. 2017 was no different.

There are multiple pictures of some of the same plants. Different angles and so forth.

First you can't appreciate a good show without a meal:

Then I went partying at the local country dance club. 3rd year in a row. No picture evidence available hehehe. To protect the innocent... me.

The next day the show!
Sarracenia flava NECPS 2017 Plant Show

Carnivorous Plant NECPS 2017 Plant Show
Carnivorous Plants NECPS 2017 Plant Show
Hybrid Sarracenia NECPS 2017 Plant Show
I believe any S. flava x S. leucophylla is called a Moorei. NECPS 2017 Plant Show

Carnivorous plants NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Nepenthes NECPS 2017 Plant Show
Carnivorous plants NECPS 2017 Plant Show. A lot of Drosera species.
Drosera filiformis grown reaching for reach and another species. NECPS 2017 Plant Show
Drosera capillaris NECPS 2017 Plant Show
Bladderworts, Utricularia species NECPS 2017 Plant Show.

Carnivorous plants NECPS 2017 Plant Show. Some Pinguicula species.
Pinguiculas NECPS 2017 Plant Show.

Carnivorous plants and a cattail like plant. Above are Drosera species.
Drosera species, probably Drosera binata. NECPS 2017 Plant Show
Drosera species and some others from this table NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Another angle of the Drosera species NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Nepenthes NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Carnivorous plants, including Cephelotus. NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Nepenthes NECPS 2017 Plant Show
Sarracenia table. Picture did not want to rotate. NECPS 2017 Plant Show
Sarracenia NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Different plants including carnivorous plants. NECPS 2017 Plant Show
Sarracenia purpurea varieties NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Venus Flytrap. NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Cool looking Sarracenia purpurea. NECPS 2017 Plant Show
Another look at the Cephalotus in glass. NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Sarracenia hybird. NECPS 2017 Plant Show
Sarracenia species. NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Venus Flytrap. NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Venus Flytraps. Excuse me... Dionaea muscipula.
NECPS 2017 Plant Show
Venus FlytrapNECPS 2017 Plant Show.

Venus flytrap varieties. NECPS 2017 Plant Show.

Nepenthes species NECPS 2017 Plant Show.

Nepenthes species NECPS 2017 Plant Show.

Venus flytrap varieties NECPS 2017 Plant Show.

Venus Flytrap Varieties NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
More awesome looking venus flytraps NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Venus flytraps NECPS 2017 Plant Show

Best display of venus flytraps I have ever seen. No kidding first place 3 years in a row. Well done.NECPS 2017 Plant Show

Heliamphora species
NECPS 2017 Plant Show

Heliamphora. NECPS 2017 Plant Show.

Nepenthes NECPS 2017 Plant Show.

NECPS 2017 Plant Show Nepenthes.
Feeding station venus flytraps NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Aldrovanda vesiculosa. Its like an underwater venus flytrap.
NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Another picture from this angle. Lots of Drosers. NECPS 2017 Plant Show.

Lots of Pinguiculas NECPS 2017 Plant Show.

Tubs of Utricularia NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Sarracenia purpurea. NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Sarracenia hybrids and Nepenthes NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Sarracenia purpurea. NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Sarracenias NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Sarracenias NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Sarracenia minor var. Okefenokeensis. NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Sarracenias. NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Sarracenias NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Hybrid Sarracenia. NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Sarracenia leucophylla (The white ones). NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Sarracenias. The skinny weed in the middle is Rhexia. NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Somebody brought their hot pepper plant. NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Carnivorous plants. NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
The best Venus flytraps. NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Some wildlife on location. This is a Tauros - CP923. Stands for Carnivorous Plant 923. NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Drosera regia. NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Drosophyllum, another carnivorous plant. NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Nepenthes NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Hybrid Sarracenia. Probably a Moorei I spoke about earlier. NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Sarracenia hybrid. The Hammer Head! NECPS 2017 Plant Show. Has a Sarracenia minor parent. Nice flower.
Sarracenia NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Nepenthes. NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Nepenthes NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
Sarracenia hybrid. Sarracenia psittacina is one of the parents.
NECPS 2017 Plant Show
Barrel of venus flytraps. NECPS 2017 Plant Show

Carnivorous plants. NECPS 2017 Plant Show

Carnivorous Plants. NECPS 2017 Plant Show.
I'm no professional photographer.

The colors! The variety! Although some pictures of plants are repeats, there were hundreds of plants on display. I've not seen this many carnivorous plants, with such variety, ever. Maybe the ICPS meeting in the US this year will have better. If that is the case, it will be an astounding show!

Hope you enjoyed this type of post. All pictures and no sciency stuff.

Thanks for reading!

Comment if you would like!

Have a Great day!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures!! Such variety of shapes! [I'd love a Nepenthes...;) ]
    Thank you for sharing!
