Friday, July 2, 2021

Seed Saturday 3: Portulaca grandiflora

I am highlighting the seeds of a plant species on Saturdays that I am calling Seed Saturday!

This Saturday's feature is Portulaca grandiflora, Moss Rose. Family Portulacaceae.

Seed Information: The plant makes a capsule, almost like a pill, that you can break into two halves.

Seed Description: The seeds look metallic in color and give off a sheen with a rainbow pattern, similar to a water bubble. The seed looks curled similar to a snail shell. The seed coat looks like they have little nobs on them.

Seeds were viewed using a dissecting microscope with magnification of 10x and 40x. Ruler marks are in millimeters (mm, metric system).

Portulaca amilis seed 40x magnification.

Portulaca grandiflora seed 10x magnification.

Portulaca grandiflora seed card.

Thanks for viewing. Have a nice day! Comment if you would like.  

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