Friday, July 30, 2021

Seed Saturday 7: Capsicum annuum

I am highlighting the seeds of a plant species on Saturdays that I am calling Seed Saturday!

This Saturday's feature is Capsicum annuum, Bell Pepper. Family Solanaceae.

Seed Information: These seeds comes from bell peppers, but many peppers, hot, sweet, etc. come from this species. They are just different varieties.

Seed Description: The seeds are white. The seeds have an ear or snail shape curl. The seed coat isn't exactly slick, smooth, rather covered with tiny bumps, so to say.

Seeds were viewed using a dissecting microscope with magnification of 10x and 40x. Ruler marks are in millimeters (mm, metric system).

Capsicum annuum seed 40x magnification.

Capsicum annuum seed 10x magnification.

Capsicum annuum seed card.

 Thanks for viewing. Have a nice day! Comment if you would like.

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